I made a profession of faith at the age of 16 but was not truly born again until 24 years of age. God called me to preach the gospel and following a year of struggling with the idea, I surrendered to preach and was ordained in 1977. I am a graduate of Florida Bible College located in Graceville FL and received a Master’s Degree from Liberty University of Lynchburg Virginia. I have pastored several churches throughout Florida and have been at Central Baptist church in Cross City FL for 12 years plus. My wife Carla and I dearly love our church family and God has truly blessed the ministry.

I am a preacher of the King James Version and am convinced that we need to study the original languages of the Bible as well, in order to get a full understanding of the Scriptures. I hope that you will join us physically in church but if that is not possible, let me encourage you to listen to the messages provided on this website.

My desire is to preach the truth of God’s Word without one ounce of compromise. If the messages preached here at Central offend you, then there is a good possibility that you need a life-changing experience of salvation. We do not apologize for what God’s Word says.

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